Will custom tune be seen as stock tune by X4?

Posted 12 months ago by nater

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If I bring my stock Ford truck to a local dyno for a tune (which they load into the truck), when I attach my SCT will that custom tune then be seen as the stock tune by the SCT?  Can I then download it to the SCT device and store it as if it were the stock tune?

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Leo Stapleton posted 11 months ago Admin

Typically the dealer would use your tuner to load the tune into the vehicle, if they use a different device to flash the vehicle you cannot use a different tuner to pull that off the vehicle and reuse it as a stock tune. 

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Saoud ALZaabi posted 11 months ago

Correct, the Sct will download that Custom tune as a (STOCK FILE ) unless the tuner locked his tune, then SCT device wont be able to download or see that tune as stock because that tuner would have porbably changed the Strategy. 

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