stc x4 married

Posted over 1 year ago by Raul Avila

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Raul Avila

Hello, I need help please, after a few days I bought the flash for my stc X4, I have no experience working with it and what happened was the following, after putting it on and following the steps, it was married, but I did not get the performance I wanted So I tried a Bully Dog and I followed the programming steps and it was installed in my f350 2010, then I wanted to put the stc back and it gave me an error, I have a friend who is more familiar with the stc and he told me he was married, but When I put the bully dog, the stc x4 no longer works for me, I need help please, can you help me to solve the problem? I would really appreciate it. I paid 200 for the flash less than a week ago and I would like to be able to get it back, thank you very much

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Lisandro Guerra posted over 1 year ago Admin

Did you returned the vehicle to stock with the x4 prior to tuning with the GT? Or did you installed the GT on top of the X4 tuner? What is the error code given by the device when you are trying to return to stock? What is the current install status of the GT, under menu/show settings menu? Can you please provide me the full VIN for your vehicle and also, provide me the following file from your x4 unit so I can review it. I will include the instructions on how to pull the .bef file required for us to review it. Just also to make sure you had no problems removing the GT out of the vehicle, correct?

How to install Device Updater and Drivers correctly. (DO NOT PLUG DEVICE IN YET)

  1. Click this link and download the Device Updater.
  2. Install Device Updater. After installing the Device Updater, a set of drivers will install (SCT Driver V10.11)
  3. Install the drivers fully.
  4. Once the Device Updater and SCT Drivers have finished installing, plug your device in to the computer.
  5. A pop up should appear to notify you of a new device and automatically start to install. You may need to allow it to install but most machines will do it automatically.
  6. After that installation completes open the Device Updater software (shortcut may be on desktop – it’s a red square with a white ‘U’ in the middle)
  7. Click on ‘Display Device Info and Serial Number’ (the second to last button)
  8. If your serial number is displayed, your device is connected and communicating properly.
  9. Click back.
  10. Click ‘Get Stock File from Device’.
  11. Click ‘Browse’.
  12. Browse to your computers Desktop.
  13. Click ‘Select Folder’.
  14. A pop-up stating the files were saved will appear.  Click ‘OK’.
  15. You should see a white icon on your desktop with your devices serial number as the name, and .BEF as the file extension.
  16. Attach this file to your email reply.

If you experience difficulties pulling the files off your device don’t hesitate to give us a call at 407-774-2447.  We’re open Mon-Fri from 9AM – 6PM EST.  Make sure you have teamviewer downloaded and running so we can remote connect to your PC and assist you immediately.  Download teamviewer here:


SCT Technical Support

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