LWTS+ wont update and error codes

Posted 2 months ago by Taber Kohlmoos

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Taber Kohlmoos

I have a LWTS+ on my 05 6.0. I have never been able to update it and yesterday i finally went and bought my own windows computer so i could download the updater software and stop borrowing friends computers and putting all my truck junk on their systems. I was trying to update and the update kept failing saying bootloader failed or the device failed to unlock and then i unplugged it from the computer because i thought it was frozen and now the device says error# 10029 every time i hit something on the touchscreen on the monitor. I read that you have to send the device back into SCT and they have to replace the internals if youre getting that code. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so how did you resolve.

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