Error code 110d5

Posted 4 months ago by Matthew Johnson

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Matthew Johnson

Currently have an issue with my brand new tuner, I loaded a tune from my tuner which did not work on my car since it was a base tune I went to go back to stock and it says marriage status failed, currently have no way to get the car moving because I can’t load any new tunes either.

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Leo Stapleton posted 6 days ago Admin

With getting errors tuning contact our tech support department for that issue, We can be reached through starting a ticket at the top right of this page: or you can chat in during business hours, the chat bubble is on the bottom right side of our website!

Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-6pm EST closed for lunch 1-2pm EST

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Brewer2261 posted 6 days ago

Purchased SCTx4 tuner from Tune Inc. Tony loaded a base tune for 93 Octane. When I tried to load it gave me a code 110D5. Voltage was low in battery so hooked up battery charge and tried again and it appeared to load ok. Started car and engine ran but could not get it to idle below 1500 rpm. Smoked engine for vac leaks and find none. Check TPS .97 volt. IAC has power and ground. Change IAC no change. Have tried to reset idle per Fords factory. Tried to reload factory tune and am getting the 110D5 again. Help !!! 

Car is a 96 Cobra 4.6 DOHC Comp 10.9 to 1. Mod Motor 2.5 blower cams. BA3000 MAF. Vortech V1 SC. 1000 injector. Aeromotive Eliminator return fuel system. BBK Long tube headers and high flow Cat Ford C4 Trans with  3200 converter. 373 gears. Stock factory ECM LLX3 F6ZF-12A650-JD

Jim Brewer

10424 NW 8TH LN OCALA FL 34482


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